15 × φ39.5 cm
明治時代に大阪で始まった竹工芸の名工・田辺竹雲斎は、代々質の高い作品を生み続け、現在は4代目が襲名し120年あまり続いています。田辺家の伝統とも言える千集編(せんしゅうあみ)と呼ばれる技法を使ったこの作品「富貴」 は、細やかな亀甲や鱗文を何重にも編みこんだ透かし編みなど、繊細で完璧な構成を見せる作風で知られる二代田辺竹雲斎の気品が表れた作品です。
Chikuunsai Tanabe II (1910–2000)
Flower basket known as “Fuki”
Madake bamboo, rattan, urushi lacquer
15 × φ39.5 cm
The Chikuunsai Tanabe family of bamboo craftsmen has produced the finest-quality bamboo pieces for four generations since the Meiji period [1868-1912]. Today, the family’s more than 120-year lineage is continued by recently-named Chikuunsai IV. Fuki, a piece by the second-generation Chikuunsai, employs the senshu-ami (thousand line plaiting) technique traditional to the Tanabe family. With openwork structured by layer on layer of finely plaited tortoise-shell and scale patterns, the work emanates the grace and dignity of Chikuunsai II, who is known for flawless, delicate construction.